Phosphate Remover
The accumulation of phosphates in pool water may lead to decreased chlorine activity in the pool water. This product will help reduce the amount of phosphates in pool water through the pool’s filtration system. This product can be added as part of a weekly maintenance program or as needed to eliminate phosphates from water.
Galaxy Price $37.99
Retail: $63
Read entire label and use in accordance with precautionary statements and directions for use. Buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with precautionary statements and directions for use. Pool may be used 15 minutes after product application.
1. Resolve any existing water issues before using this product.
2. Test and balance the pool water. pH level of 7.2 – 7.6. Total Alkalinity of 100 -120 ppm. Calcium hardness of 200 – 400 ppm.
3. Before using this product, thoroughly shake the container with the cap tightly closed.
4. Acceptable phosphate level is below 1000 ppb. Ideal level is 250 ppb and below.
5. Apply this product directly into the pool water with the circulation and filtration system operating. Add 16 ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water. This dose will reduce up to 1000 ppb (parts per billion) phosphates. Phosphate Remover cannot be overdosed.
6. Run filtration system for 24 hours. Water may become cloudy after application; this is an indication the water may have elevated levels of phosphates. Hazy water will clear shortly after it appears. Use a 4-N-1 Clarifier to speed the pool recovery. Monitor filter pressure and clean and/or backwash as needed.
Directions: |
Read entire label and use in accordance with precautionary statements and directions for use. Buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with precautionary statements and directions for use. Pool may be used 15 minutes after product application. |
Dosage: |
Size: | 1 Qt. |
Galaxy is a family-owned business with a long history of great customer service since 1975. Our team of over 100 experienced employees is dedicated to helping you every step of the way. We provide free water testing in all our showrooms and offer monthly hot tub and pool schools. We are proud recipients of national awards from Jacuzzi and Cal Spas. Thanks to our purchasing power, we can offer premium brands at competitive prices compared to generic brands. We also support important charities like Make-A-Wish, Pancreatic Network, Eastern Oklahoma Food Bank, and Domestic Violence Intervention Services. With years of experience, we only offer the best brands in outdoor living.
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