Does your current hot tub cover need an upgrade? Give it a makeover with our wide selection of custom-fit covers! From marine-grade vinyl to all-weather material, we have the perfect fit for you. Get started on keeping your hot tub warm and secure today!
*mileage is applicable when you are located more than 30 miles from our nearest showroom. It is calculated at $3 per mile one way outside of this 30 mile radius.
Galaxy provide services in Oklahoma & Arkansas. Our service radius is 120 miles from any of our showrooms
Galaxy is proud to offer our Worry Free Guarantee on most of the products you purchase from us.
What is our Worry Free Guarantee?
As a reminder, please make sure you have fully assessed and used your product within the Worry Free Guarantee period to take advantage of our guarantee. Anything reported after this period will be subject to service fees and mileage if applicable.
For Worry Free Guarantee service, please read the terms below:
For service after the Worry Free Guarantee period, please read the terms below:
*Prices subject to change
Call Us: 918-933-6134