The Ahh-some Spray Cleaner & Deodorizer effectively eliminates dirt, debris, inanimate scum, nutrients, particulates, and inanimate contaminants from various surfaces. Engineered to enhance your spa experience, Ahh-some products are crafted for optimal satisfaction. The Spray Cleaner & Deodorizer specifically assists in eliminating undesirable odors and non-public health organic build-up, preventing the formation of unsightly deposits.
Instructions for Hot Tub Usage: Unpleasant odors in your hot tub are frequently caused by bacteria growth above the water line when the spa is inactive. After each use and before leaving your hot tub, apply the Ahh-Some Spray Cleaner & Deodorizer to the “tidal zone” of your spa shell, which is the 4-6 inches above the water line. On a weekly basis, spray the underside of your spa cover and the areas around the headrests. Wipe away any residue that forms before closing the cover.
Instructions for Use on Surfaces with Residual Evidence: Apply the cleaner directly to the surface where water may have left traces of scum, mold, mildew, soap deposits, and similar residues. Allow the cleaner to sit for approximately 10 seconds, then wipe and rinse the area to achieve a clean surface. This product is safe for use on most hard surfaces, including glass, plastic, acrylic, and vinyl. It is advisable to conduct an initial test in a small, inconspicuous area to assess compatibility.
Prevents/Blocks/Neutralizes/Reduces & Removes Odors
Unscented – No Colorants Added
Galaxy Price $23.95
Retail: $40
Galaxy is a family-owned business with a long history of great customer service since 1975. Our team of over 100 experienced employees is dedicated to helping you every step of the way. We provide free water testing in all our showrooms and offer monthly hot tub and pool schools. We are proud recipients of national awards from Jacuzzi and Cal Spas. Thanks to our purchasing power, we can offer premium brands at competitive prices compared to generic brands. We also support important charities like Make-A-Wish, Pancreatic Network, Eastern Oklahoma Food Bank, and Domestic Violence Intervention Services. With years of experience, we only offer the best brands in outdoor living.
Call Us: 1-800-678-7665