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Pool Repairs

Pool Repairs

If you’re a pool owner, you know that it’s important to keep your swimming pool in good condition throughout the year. Doing so requires proper maintenance and preventative care. Galaxy Home Recreation is here to help with our comprehensive repair services for all types of pools! Whether it’s time to replace old equipment or just perform routine maintenance, we have the expertise and experience necessary to get the job done right – quickly and efficiently!

Serving Oklahoma & Arkansas

Galaxy provide services in Oklahoma & Arkansas. Our service radius is 120 miles from any of our showrooms

Oklahoma State


Arkansas State


Galaxy is proud to offer our Worry Free Guarantee on most of the products you purchase from us.

What is our Worry Free Guarantee?

  • This guarantee is in addition to any manufacturer warranties AND guarantees the workmanship of our network of installers.
  • If your product is eligible the coverage period for non-pools is 180 days and for pools it is the same swim season as your installation or 180 days, whichever comes first.
  • If a qualifying event (such as a manufacturer defect) occurs during your Worry Free Guarantee period, you can have the peace of mind that Galaxy will fix it at no cost to you.

As a reminder, please make sure you have fully assessed and used your product within the Worry Free Guarantee period to take advantage of our guarantee. Anything reported after this period will be subject to service fees and mileage if applicable.