Cleaning and Replacing your Hot Tub Filters

A clean and functioning spa or hot tub filter cartridge is integral to maintaining normal levels of chemicals in the water. Regular cleaning and replacing of filters is actually a simple task, here is some helpful advice!
It’s important to keep your hot tub filter clean. Every hot tub is a little bit different, but the basics are the same.

  1.  Unscrew the filter and remove
  2.  Use a filter comb to comb through filter and remove debris
  3.  Spray with filter cleaner and let sit for half an hour
  4.  Rinse with garden hose
  5.  Replace filter in hot tub

Do this once a month and extend the lifetime of your filter!

Want to learn more? Visit any one of our 5 locations to speak to one of our design specialists or shop our Hot Tub Filters online.