We recently installed this beautiful 28’ X 54” Semi Inground Pool for a family in Stillwater, Oklahoma. When the family called Galaxy Home Recreation about finding a pool, they were originally searching for In-Ground Pools, but after surveying the land, we realized an In-Ground Pool was out of the picture due to a pretty difficult hill in the backyard. A Semi In-Ground Pool was the perfect solution for this family, it has the look and feel of an In-Ground Pool, but can be comfortably placed on uneven land or on a hillside.
The family also mentioned entertaining and safety was important to them, so we installed a beautiful wood deck around the spacious pool. Decking adds instant appeal, while providing a comfortable, convenient place to sit. Customizing the pool to fit your needs will make sure this purchase will last a lifetime. All that’s left to make this space perfect is warmer temps and cozy outdoor seating!
A swimming pool at home is an easy, convenient and smart way to lead a healthy lifestyle while enjoying quality time with friends and family. We had a great time getting to know this family and are looking forward to hearing feedback about their new Semi In-Ground Pool!