Pool Blaster® Spa Vac™ for Hot Tubs, Spas and Cleaning Tight Spaces. Are you looking for a powerful, yet affordable, solution for cordless cleaning in your hot tub or spa? Look no further than the Pool Blaster Spa Vac Plus! This handheld cleaner is simple to start and use, and includes a reusable filter. Its debris retention valve and microfilter trap dirt, debris, sand, and silt, making it the perfect choice for keeping your spa or hot tub clean. So don’t wait any longer, order your own Pool Blaster Spa Vac Plus today!
The Pool Blaster® Spa Vac™ Ultra is the most affordable solution for cordless cleaning in your Hot Tub and spa. This powerful Vacuum can suck up all kinds of dirt, sand or silt with its incorporated debris retention valve as well microfilter trap that catches everything from dirt to leaves!
Galaxy is a family-owned business with a long history of great customer service since 1975. Our team of over 100 experienced employees is dedicated to helping you every step of the way. We provide free water testing in all our showrooms and offer monthly hot tub and pool schools. We are proud recipients of national awards from Jacuzzi and Cal Spas. Thanks to our purchasing power, we can offer premium brands at competitive prices compared to generic brands. We also support important charities like Make-A-Wish, Pancreatic Network, Eastern Oklahoma Food Bank, and Domestic Violence Intervention Services. With years of experience, we only offer the best brands in outdoor living.
Call Us: 1-800-678-7665